We have our first guest on the show today! Dr Ritumbra Manuvie at University College Groningen, who is also a founder of The London Story, a nonprofit that monitors disinformation and hate speech in India.
The story of how she came to speak to us is so…Twitter, where she disagreed with a video we put out advocating for the use of extreme speech over hate speech.

After a back and forth on Twitter, we decided we should invite her to the podcast and explain the difference between dangerous speech, extreme speech, and hate speech.
Other than hate speech, we also tackle homophobia and ask the question, is homosexual a neutral term? (It is not.) We also talk about horse-trading and how that’s a unique phenomenon related to Indian politics.
Book: Read This to Get Smarter: About Race, Class, Gender, Disability, and More by Blair Imani.
Dr Ritumbra Manuvie’s work with the University of Groningen and the nonprofit she founded The London Story.
Book: Social Media and Hate by Shakuntala Banaji and Ramnath Bhat (free to download)
The Rabat Plan of Action on the prohibition of advocacy of national, racial or religious.
What qualifies as hate speech? F.A.Q. on Hatebase.org.
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